Thursday, May 26, 2005

brain stuff

From issue 2501 of New Scientist magazine, 28 May 2005, page 28

"It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive book worm. There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behaviour that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them."
and it goes on describing smart drugs (Modafinil, caffeine, etc.), eating right (beans and toast for breakfast; eggs, yogurt, and a high antioxidant salad for lunch; strawberries and blueberries throughout, etc.), listening to "Mozart" or other complex music, exercising the brain with problem solving and memory work, getting a good night's sleep, exercising, keeping busy, staying alert, keeping calm, and paying attention (curiosity).

So much of this is common sense, and so much of it is a deep part of my routine, but then there's always room for improvement in my life.


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