Sunday, August 21, 2005

still in Maine

Who do ya know wants to buy a used car? 'Cuz I got one I needs ta unload cheap.

Ugh. Poor planning and a somewhat cavalier attitude has led to this. I'm stuck in Maine with two cars. Who'dve thunk that someone wouldn't have snapped up my Civic the moment I put it on the market? Not me. It's a sweet car. I've dropped the price over a thousand bucks. It's just that I prefer Toyotas over Hondas that has led to all this. And that I needed a bigger car than the Civic. And that I've dumped over $2000 into the Civic and was tired of spending money on it (of course the counterpoint to this is that it's running great now and I've probably fixed all there is on it that was going to go wrong).

Granted, the drive-by exposure it has sitting in the woods 2 miles
off the highway is pretty slim. If I had a spot to set it near a
road, I'd do so. Grr...


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