Thursday, July 21, 2005

Phonetic Theme Scrabble

Phonetic Theme Scrabble is a variation of Scrabble that allows and encourages cheating, but then it doesn't count points either so no one cares if you win or not. Basically the way to play is to dump out about a dozen letters, and make a word or phrase from them -- this becomes the theme (you can also pick a theme from the blue). You then take turns making words that fit that theme. You prove that they fit by using them in a theme-based narrative that you create on the spot.

It's a difficult thing to do with the 7 letters on your tray unless you "cheat" by spelling things phonetically, and sometimes rotating letters to get the (actual or phonetic) letter that you need. So if you want to spell "WORLD" but you have an E or an M but not a W, you can spell it by rotating the E or M into a W. If you don't have an O you can use the E, or an I (or an A, but then the narrative has to be presented with the appropriate drawl) instead.

It's a cooperative game, rather than a competitive game, so you want to come up with an easy-enough theme. The first time it was ever played, the theme was "Things you can lick" -- proper names are allowed. In that first game, metaphysical concepts were discouraged unless they were well-argued (arguing your word is often great fun).

In really good games with advanced players, the narrative of the theme can get pretty imaginative.

No score is kept. The game ends when the pieces are gone. If you get stuck, ask the other players for help -- they may want to take the narrative in a certain direction, and may see something in your letters that set up a word they're eager to play.

That's PTS.


At 8:05 PM, Blogger freethoughtguy said...

Nice Scrabble variation! Scrabble is my favorite board game, and practice makes perfect!

To paraphrase Shakespeare, "The Word-Play's The Thing!"


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