Thursday, June 30, 2005

first day

First day come and gone. Just finished leading campfire, and my voice
is shot, and my fingers are chewed up from the guitar. I'm tired. And
the thing about it is that it all starts again tomorrow at 7am. I'm
getting too old for this shit. Actually, it's been a pretty good day.
We're a few kids lower than we should be at (thanks GWB!) but
otherwise we're set. Seymour's been a saint all day, fetching the
ball until the kids grew tired of throwing it, playing nice with
other "strange" dogs, not eating any children, etc. Dinner was
lasagna, and I ate too much. Very thirsty -- not drinking enough water.

Most of all, all the parents signed their kids up for the "Mystery
Trip" research project. This means that I need to really get on the
ball and (besides all the other camp stuff I generally do) need to
create a game that they can play. So I need to get the game engine
working, etc. etc.


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