Tuesday, June 21, 2005

the sun, the sun!

FML is rockin'! The sun is out. The canoe docks are out. The Swim
dock is out. The tents are up. The counselors are here. The water is
warming up again. Seymour has learned to sit nicely in the back
storage thingy of the kayak on the commutes across the lake (on not-
so windy trips). The black flies are either dying off, or I've become
more immune to them (or they've run out of blood in my scarred and
scabbed corpse).

But, there's a cold making the rounds, and despite dosing myself with
vitamins and water, my throat's becoming scratchy. And that's just
perfect because I'm headed back to Madison for the GLS conference
tomorrow -- I'll be the ruddy guy who looks like he's been half eaten
by blackflies. It'll be interesting to see a bunch of video gamers
(typically indoor types) and me. They may escort me out.


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