Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fall Semester Plans

It's all negotiable, of course.

1. AR Games Directed Study with Kurt Squire (4 credits)
a. Goal: Annotated Bibliography to draw on for Dissertation
b. Goal: Handheld AR survey to prepare for Prelim Question on Practice
c. Goal: Complete my version of the RiverCity AR Game
2. Prelim Readings Directed Study with Simone? (3 credits)
a. Goal: Annotated Bibliography to draw on for Dissertation
b. Goal: Prepare for Prelim Question on Theory
3. Spencer Doctoral Research Seminar Group (1 credit)

Prelims: End of October?
1. Questions
a. Theoretical Framework: Activity Theory
b. Practice: Survey of AR/HR games
c. Methodology: Design-based Research
2. Committee
a. Kurt Squire
b. Michael Streibel
c. Simone Schweber

Proposal: End of November?
1. Chapter 1 Introduction
2. Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
3. Chapter 3 Methodology

Long Term Planning:
1. Summer 2006: Collect Data
2. Fall 2006: Chapter 4 Findings
3. Spring 2007: Chapter 5 Conclusion
4. Spring 2007: Defense


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