Sunday, October 02, 2005

close to paradise

Tomorrow (done) I will post a picture of where I was this weekend. Then you will see a ridge of green deciduous trees, steadily changing to yellows and oranges, already speckled here and there with red. It is, after all, officially Fall here in Wisconsin. Christine did the Kickapoo Reserve's Dam Challenge yesterday, and invited some cool friends to her folk's farm near Soldier's Grove, WI. Besides the trees changing, the apples are in their prime, the pumpkins are being prepped for carving, and, well, the weather is just about perfect.

There's a day bed on the porch here, looking out to the ridge, and this afternoon I've been napping with my eyes half-open, watching the trees change and listening to the breeze filter through the screen. There are no bugs outside, although there was a spider in the bed with me (and so I am now outside).

Had a ride on Skeeter the Horse earlier, flew a kite this morning before the wind picked up, gathered some Hickory nuts for Christine (she's dedicated to picking them all up right now -- what she'll do with them I do not know). I *do* know that it's a lovely Sunday on a lovely weekend, and I'm pretty lucky to be able to read about distributed cognition for my research out here beside an apple tree, and sunflowers too heavy with seed to watch the sun.


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