Sunday, October 16, 2005

Ping Me

I recently received a comment from a woman who's doing some amazingly-fun stuff in performance gaming (Jane McGonigal at Avant Game). She responded to an entry on Pierre Levy on the ARGaming blog, and briefly explained that his idea of games "virtualizing" space and place was important in her PhD work. It was a brief comment though, so she offered to explain more like this:
Hard to explain in a blog comment, but anyway :) Ping me for a better explanation or reference. ^_^
Apparently the phrase "Ping me..." has been around for at least a year or so, and my not knowing about it no doubt speaks to my lack of coolness, so I Googled it and found a fun discussion about it, including its literal meaning ("verify that communication is possible by sending a content-free message") and a few fun alternatives like "polycom me" or, my favorite, "finger me" -- which probably will only catch on in certain, very elitist, circles.


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