Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Edsite Update

The other day Dan White emails me requesting bio info "for the site" -- but he didn't say what site, and I didn't know, so I stalled and requested more info from him. Then this weekend he emails and says "The GLS Minor website is up!" And I look, and sure enough, there's a spot for my pic and info, but no info. So I send him a bio and research blurb, try to find a pic that fits the format (straight on, white background, B/W), and then he requests an URL -- hmm... well, there's impetus to update my sites!

Slowly but surely, I'm determined to get some continuity to my the different subsites I manage. No doubt by the time I do, I'll have had to give most of them up, and will be at a point where I combine them all anyway. 100MB isn't much anymore when video is involved.

What I've done with my Edsite is added a black banner at the top quite similar to the one on the top of this page today. And I"ve finally given up on the flexible (aka "liquid") format and decided to nail down a fixed, 100px/500px/200px, 3-column, left-navigation format with an "Abstract" (really more of a commentary) in the right column; I figure that my editorial bit is the least important part, so it can be cut off on narrow browser windows without too much of a loss to the world.

What I still need to do on the template is: work on the margins of the text and links in the header, figure out how to move the footer up on pages where the content doesn't force it down, and fill in the "rollover" title text. On the site overall, I need to get more appropriate images for some of the pages, fill in the Abstracts, window titles, and breadcrumbs on all the pages, and generally tidy up.

Then move/adapt my homesite (Live) to that format.

Then move/adapt my .Mac site (Love) to that format.

And maybe skin my blogspot site (Blog) to that format.

Then make tham all fully compliant.

And add some content that makes them worth reading....


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