Thursday, February 16, 2006

Valentine's Day

I eat those candy hearts without reading them now.

I think that's kind of sad. I realized this after downing the fourth of five in my hand with nary a glance at the little pearls of heartfelt love inked onto them. It made me pause and carefully consider the last one in my hand.

I have no idea what it says. I can make out the symbol of a heart printed on it, which seems repetitive to have on a heart-shaped purple chucnk of compresed sugar. And to the right of the heart is an "O" and what looks kind of llike a "Y" -- except that it's not lower case, and it's too small, realitive to the "O" to be upper case. Then on the second line, there looks like there should be two letters, but they didn't get imprinted, or they got worn off. I think it's the former because the heart shape looks like it wasn't very well formed to begin with. There's a slight indentation where the printing should go.

The whole thing -- from my not noticing the words to begin with, to the cheapening of the sugar compression process, to the poor inking -- speaks to the state of love in the world today. How on earth, I demand to know, did that heart even get past the little cupid Quality Assurance inspector elves? It's sad, and nearly criminal, and I'd write to the company and demand a full investigation, and a full refund, except that I didn't buy the candies, I just swiped them from a dish in the secretary's office. And while writing this, I ate the last one.



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