Friday, April 14, 2006

AERA: Sunday 1

Cultural Historical Activity Theory

Teatro, Play and Imagination: The Creative engagement of Social Life
Shirin Vossoughi, Octovio Estrella (UCLA)
Theater of the Oppressed
  • Play, imagination, social analysis
  • Vygotskian notions of play
  • "children can become a head taller than themselves in play" - Vygotsky (?)
  • how do we re-invoke a sense of play in highschool student
  • Can Teatro humanize the world?
  • Form theater
  1. Creating space, setting boundaries
  2. Rule-bound play
  3. Relationship between play and real life (creative forms of nonviolent action)
  4. Invitation in the subjunctive world of teatro
  • Jim Wertsch talks about schools being text-based realities
  • Hope nourishes and pushes us to act
takeaway: Like the performance aspects of this type of play-based learning

Gail Richardson -- Steinhardt School of Education (NYU) Russian Math Curriculum works in New Jersey
  • ("Measure Up" 120hour course)
  • Elkonin-Davydov Mathematics curriculum
  • Pre-numeric Vygotskian
  • Concepts of Quantity, equality, transitivity
  • (Russian) Multiplicative Learning = content x tool x reality
  • (American) Additive Learning = content + tool + reality
  • content is quantities -- use everyday objects, instead of numbers
  • removes the divide between whole numbers and real numbers
  • length is not a measurement, it's a quantity.
  • (very cool)
takeaway: I want to do learn math this way!!!

J. David Betts "Mutlimedia Arts Education Program"
  • Activity Theory as a design tool
  • Post-typographical world (reinking, 1998)
  • Contemporary texts often consist of different interrelated modes of communications (Kress, 2003)
  • Used "retrospective analysis" in an examination of the Activity System
  • Asked "what were the best ways to devlop school-to-work connections for students? What were their perceived self-efficacy in tools and etc.
  • After School setting as third Space?
  • Get his CHAT Macromedia Director diagram (triangular representations of systems of design, exchange, activity system, activity setting, etc.)
  • Can't pu tyour foot in the same river twice -- outcomes and goals continue to change, as do interactions with people and tools etc. -- dynamic learning systems.
takeaway: Engestrom's AT triangle is a very useful starting point for AT as a Design tool!!

Jayson Seaman - Project Adventure Inc. "An Adventure in Analysus: Examining Contemporary Adventure Education in Historical Context"
  • What is Adventure? (uncharted, curious, explaoration, situational, etc.)
  • Adventure Ed = "folk pedagogy" focuses on individual
  • Collaborative, creative, develop compassion for others
  • "How is experience constructed in a facilitated, small group adventure setting?
  • Project Adventure is the largest rope course company ($10 million?)
  • High degree of kinesthetic involvement
  • Engestron, 1987 triangle model of actiivity as a unit of analysis
  • Tyndall, in McFarlane, 2003 "there is assuredly morality in the oxygen of the mountains"
  • Outward Bound courses "less training for the sea than through the sea" (Miner, 1990, p.59)
  • Division of labor is interchangeable and non hierarchical
  • Artifacts are institutiona;;y situated and negotiable; regulate individual participation in div of labor; mediate div of labor
takeaway: Interesting start. Wish it were a bit "deeper"

Pilar -- Discussant
  • Loves Kozulin 1998
  • To be literate in today's society (Leu, 2002) means to (get rest of quote)
takeaway: so much energy!


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