Monday, October 17, 2005

love update

Although it's far from perfect, I've finally figured out (at least a bunch of) how to get non-Mac-template pages up on my .Mac site. It's not as easy as it should be, but I suppose that's because they want their templates used, while my design doesn't even mention that it's a .Mac site (except in the address).

At any rate, I've updated it. It looks a lot like this one (except for the "Blogger" bar up top, which I'd get rid of like I did the .Mac stuff, if I knew how), but it's got videos and presentations and other media stuff on it, and fewer words.

I've got a few more videos to add to it, and I know there's at least one link on it that goes nowhere (I left it that way so .Mac could get the publicity). I'll fix it eventually, but .Mac syncing is pretty darn slow (if I may say -- at least Apple is apologizing for the temporary slowness. We'll see if it gets better.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger nichole said...

Argh, John, I just noticed your blog feed is busted and/or gone and I haven't seen your posts since October! That'll teach me never to stray far from my aggregator...

Anyway, hi there.


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