Sunday, October 08, 2006

Jerry Duty

Okay, consider it checked off on my list of "Things to do before I die" -- it actually wasn't ever on the list, but now that I've done it, I never need to do it again.

I like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded fellow. One who thinks that two consenting adults can do pretty much whatever they want. However. I can't imagine that the show is really healthy for anyone. While it was interesting, it was interesting only in a jaw-to-the-floor (but not actually touching the floor, lest something crawl inside it) horrific kind of way.

The details of the show are best left suppressed, deep down in the scariest parts of my memory, suffice to say that it was the taping for his New Years Eve special, and it's a pay-per-view "uncensored" show, and I was in the center of the front row, next to a security guy who kept leaping on the stage to break up naked fights and keep really big guests from jumping off stage and kicking the crap out of wise-ass audience members -- mostly, the seat was unoccupied.

It was sort of like witnessing the fall of civilization, during the nastiest part. Yep. Don't need to do that again.

Having said all this, do I think Jerry's a bad guy? No. No more than I think Rush Limbaugh is. Both are erudite, clever, and very successful entertainers who play the roles that their audience wants them to play. However, I do have a low personal opinon of the true fans of each. (And I'd consider seeing this).


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