Friday, April 22, 2005


I first saw this at ThinkGeek along with caffeinated soap. And I thought: "Silly geeks. Do they have nothing better to do than praise caffeine?' But, I guess somehow the name and idea of a non-coffee caffeine buzz stuck with me. I've certainly had my share of so-called "Energy drinks" -- often far too sweet (although I really like Campbell's Invigor8), and generally have no problem using them to kick my brain up a notch. And so when I saw them at the local grocery co-op for cheap, I thought "Okay, I'll try one." Holy hell. Bawls is a bit much. I'm generally a mellow person. I bounce at times, but my bounces are at least usually visible. They're bounces, not vibrations. I had a bottle of bawls this morning instead of coffee and instead of coffee jitters I'm humming at 32,000rpm. When I look in the mirror, I'm slightly blurry. I feel like I should get a coffee just to mellow out, as a downer. And of course, to top it off, I'm still yawning. I think the rpms are actually exhausting me faster. lordy lordy.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) I like invigor8 also. Perhaps because it's actually juice and not carbonated corn syrup-water. I began switching to that whenever I can find it instead of RedBull, although I haven't bought either in ages.

So, from what you are saying, I probably should not try Bawls... Chug! says I make my own caffiene whenever he sees me drinking coffee... it could be scary. ;)

I have really reduced my caffiene intake over the years, but there's something unspeakbly wonderful about the experience of a cup of coffee in the morning. Ritual, I suppose.

I hope you make it through the day okay. :)

At 10:36 PM, Blogger buzzwig said...

I thought you were just always a little blurry like that:) Maybe because I am usually on a caffiene high. I should bring some of that Bawls stuff with me when I plan on running into you, and when you drink it, we could see each other clearly and the rest of the world would become blurry. That is unless our frequencies are opposite. Then we wouldn't be able to see each other at all, and could be slightly radoactive. I suppose I wouldn't want that.


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