Monday, October 09, 2006

regardingjohn site work

My .Mac membership expires in 3 days, and rather than renew it for a third year, I've decided to not put up with the shoddiness of .Mac (at a premium price -- not the kind of thing I expect from Apple), and instead get a much bigger, fully hosted site (for much less money).

Consequently, my sites will look a bit messy for a few days while I figure out the the new configuration. In a way, I like it that way. It's sort of like any remodeling of a physical place in that it looks messy, you don't really want people to stop by lest they get a bad impression of your housekeeping skills, etc. So you put signs up all over the place:
Please Pardon Our Mess!
We're growing to serve you better!
and you hope that they'll see the signs and understand.

My vision for the new site is in five stages:
  1. get it navigable, keeping the subsites (SOE and UW and Blogger -- the "Love" subsite is already limping along on regardingjohn, but needs some work to make it presentable).
  2. move the SOE and UW subsites to my huge space on regardingjohn.
  3. transfer my Blogger blog to the WordPress blog I have hosted on regardingjohn.
  4. merge my other blogs to WordPress, tag them, roll them, and mark them with "b", then put 'em in the oven for baby and me.
  5. Then do potentially major rennovation on the subsites (this part is still not clear to me).


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