regardingjohn site work
My .Mac membership expires in 3 days, and rather than renew it for a third year, I've decided to not put up with the shoddiness of .Mac (at a premium price -- not the kind of thing I expect from Apple), and instead get a much bigger, fully hosted site (for much less money).
Consequently, my sites will look a bit messy for a few days while I figure out the the new configuration. In a way, I like it that way. It's sort of like any remodeling of a physical place in that it looks messy, you don't really want people to stop by lest they get a bad impression of your housekeeping skills, etc. So you put signs up all over the place:
Please Pardon Our Mess!
We're growing to serve you better!
My vision for the new site is in five stages:
- get it navigable, keeping the subsites (SOE and UW and Blogger -- the "Love" subsite is already limping along on regardingjohn, but needs some work to make it presentable).
- move the SOE and UW subsites to my huge space on regardingjohn.
- transfer my Blogger blog to the WordPress blog I have hosted on regardingjohn.
- merge my other blogs to WordPress, tag them, roll them, and mark them with "b", then put 'em in the oven for baby and me.
- Then do potentially major rennovation on the subsites (this part is still not clear to me).
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